Privacy Policy

All close-to-home data, nonetheless, gathered, is utilized distinctly by Fertheal India Pvt Ltd and its subsidiaries, for the sole motivation behind providing the administrations mentioned by the client, and is never uncovered to any outsiders.

We secure this individual data to evaluate whether the client is a contender for the administration they are mentioning. We gather just the base measure of data important to make this evaluation. Data we usually gather incorporates:

When you voluntarily send us electronic mail, we will keep a record of this information so that we can respond to you. WE only collect information from you when you register on our site or fill out a form. Also, when filling out a form on our site, you may be asked to enter your: Name, e-mail address, and phone number. You may, however, visit our site anonymously. In case you have submitted your personal information and contact details, we reserve the right to Call, SMS, Email, or WhatsApp about our services and offers, even if your number has DND activated on it.

All close to home data, in any case, gathered, is utilized uniquely by Fertheal India Pvt Ltd and its offshoots, for the sole motivation behind providing the administrations mentioned by the client, and is never revealed to any outsiders
We may likewise gather non-individual data using “treats.” Fertheal India Pvt Ltd doesn’t store any by and by recognizable data in any treats on your PC. You are likewise selected into re-focusing on crusades for the less cost IVF treatment and our accomplice organizations. This crusade doesn’t utilize any by and by recognizable data about you.

Storage of Personal Information

This Website Uses Google AdWords and Facebook Ads

This site utilizes the Google AdWords and Facebook Ads re-showcasing administrations to publicize on outsider sites (counting Google) to past guests of our site. It could imply that we promote to past guests who haven’t finished a specific goal on our site (for instance, utilizing the contact structure to make a request). This could be as a commercial on Facebook, or a site in the Google Display Network.

Email Marketing

Questions or Concerns?

In the event that you have questions or worries about how your own data is being utilized by Fertheal India Pvt Ltd. if you don’t mind contact Officer at